Brendan Kerin performed a ‘Welcome to Country’ at the AFL. Incredibly he found a way to make the performance even more patronizing and insulting to the audience than it normally is. An unhinged rant about the history of the practice and the country. The best part? None of it was true.

The ‘welcome to country’ and by extension the even sillier ‘acknowledgement of country’ was invented by Ernie Dingo in 1976.
Why would someone so publicly embarrass themselves like this? There can only be a couple of reasons:
He’s lying because he benefits from the lie.
He’s not very bright and totally ignorant about the history of this country, and he benefits from the lie.
Lying or not very bright, that’s who we’re dealing with folks. Ultimately, things like this are probably a blessing - more opportunity for people to hear the truth.
That the ‘welcome to country’ was invented by Ernie Dingo in 1976.
If every time this fact was acknowledged during the performance in classrooms, offices, meetings and events, it wouldn’t last very much longer.